When You or a Loved One Is In Recovery or Want to Talk it Over

Now there is a way to accomplish and completely rehab a person despite where they enter recovery.

Most of our rehab client callers enter at-home, in-patient, private consulting or private therapy, alcohol or
drug use recovery. But the successful people get recovery coaches for their entire journey through detox,
rehab, and recovery.

And many drinkers or habitual drug consumers pick up a rehab coach along the way and improve rehab
results with coaching. They know they can rely on their rehab coach for guidance and direction through
their journey from detox to whatever level of sobriety they choose.

Rehab Coaching from Using Through to Eventual Success and Beyond Recovery

Why private recovery coaching for all stages of detox, rehab, and aftercare?

Addictions are filled with booby-traps, confusions, misdirection, triggers, traumas and re-occurrence of
drinking, drugging, and addictive practices.

A private recovery coach who understands the entire detoxification – rehabilitation – recovery route can
guide you successfully through the fog or conflicts.

Recovery routes are not all right or left, yes or all no:

Rehab is a gradient approach to getting really well eventually

Real recovery is a thoughtful plan made and made to happen.

Addictions, alcoholism, addictive behaviors: requires a guide to simply get you through rehab and
recovery. A rehab coach also called a recovery coach, safely navigates you through and beyond 1⁄2 baked
advices from arm-chair warriors, or hardlines from Dr Phil, Oprah, then there is stigma, confusing doctor
prescriptions, and challenging family dynamics.

A rehab coach is your guide that helps you achieve personal well being. Private recovery coaching gives
you a guide who can act as a virtual mentor, offering or quietly steering towards best practices and
getting you moving towards optimal recovery. That means you can feel better, be doing better, and get
healthy faster with a private recovery coach while in recovery.

Getting Assistance and Easing Confusion Through Recovery

A rehab coach should make the recovery ride safer and more enjoyable. Additionally, he can also help
you avoid the crazy rollercoaster rides that unnecessarily confuse you and families along recovery road.
Instead of regretting taking wrong turns or no turns, just get to recovery. How? By working with a
professional holistic recovery coach who guides, consults and coaches you through every part of rehab –
before, during, and after rehab and detox treatment.

Who does end to end recovery pre-detox through rehab and exiting treatment (if taken) to help you
through your personal recovery and beyond? My name is Anthony, I’m your rehab coach.
Bigger Recovery Picture

Why do some recover, others return to using, and some quit part-way through rehab?
Coherence is the key to recovery. Many alcohol drinking or drug using people get into different degrees
of confusion based on their consumption, trauma, stress, wrong information and random advices about
what recovery means.

Here is the professional take on What is Recovery:

Working definition of “recovery” by SAMHSA, courtesy https://www.naadac.org/recovery-definitions
[National Association for Addiction Professionals, USA, Canada, abroad, to 100K+ addiction

A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life,
and strive to reach their full potential.
Four major dimensions that support a life in recovery:

Health: overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) as well as living in a physically and
emotionally healthy way;

Home: a stable and safe place to live;

Purpose: meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking, or
creative endeavors, and the independence, income and resources to participate in society; and
Community: relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love and hope.
Definition of “recovery-oriented guiding principles”

Recovery emerges from hope: The belief that recovery is real provides the essential and
motivating message of a better future – that people can and do overcome the internal and
external challenges, barriers, and obstacles that confront them.

Recovery is person-driven: Self-determination and self-direction are the foundations for
recovery as individuals define their own life goals and design their unique path(s).
Recovery occurs via many pathways: Individuals are unique with distinct needs, strengths,
preferences, goals, culture and backgrounds, including trauma experiences that affect and
determine their pathway(s) to recovery. Abstinence is the safest approach for those with
substance use disorders.

Recovery is holistic: Recovery encompasses an individual’s whole life, including mind, body,
spirit, and community. The array of services and supports available should be integrated and

Recovery is supported by peers and allies: Mutual support and mutual aid groups, including
the sharing of experiential knowledge and skills, as well as social learning, play an invaluable role
in recovery

Recovery is supported through relationship and social networks: An important factor in the
recovery process is the presence and involvement of people who believe in the person’s ability to
recover; who offer hope, support and encouragement; and who also suggest strategies and
resources for change.

Recovery is culturally based and influenced: Culture and cultural background in all of its
diverse representations, including values, traditions, and beliefs, are keys in determining a
person’s journey and unique pathway to recovery.

Recovery is supported by addressing trauma: Services and supports should be trauma-
informed to foster safety (physical and emotional) and trust, as well as promote choice, empowerment and collaboration.

Recovery involves individual, family and community strengths and responsibility: Individuals, families and communities have strengths and resources that serve as a foundation for recovery.

Recovery is based on respect: Community, systems, and societal acceptance and appreciation
for people affected by mental health and substance use problems – including protecting their
rights and eliminating discrimination – are crucial in achieving recovery.

Recovery Confusion Ends When Recovery Coaching Begins

The above should give clarification around the key working words, principles, and provide a living model
of recovering. With a clear understanding of what you are doing, changing life habits makes sense. Most
people in recovery want to have more happiness, better friends, feel less stressed, be more supported
by a community, be able to give back in meaningful ways, and more!

Now there is a way to accomplish and completely rehab a person despite where they enter recovery.
Rehab coaching with your rehab coach is your route to a better recovery and an easier rehab.

Let’s face it, trauma, losses, grief, and damage is not easy and it’s no fun getting stuck on the wrong end
of a bottle, bag or pipe.

Today with rehab coaching and a wholistic recovery coach guiding you through the recovery process
successfully, you don’t have to continue in confusion about recovery. End the confusion one text, phone
call and discovery at a time.

For Rehab and Recovery Coaching Help

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